Practicum Example 4: Statistical Inference II

Let us, once again, return to the importance of weather in some business decisions. That means we use our weather dataset to answer these three research questions.

Research Question 1: What is the average temperature swing (maximum minus minimum) in a day?

Research Question 2: Which season has a higher average temperature, spring or fall?

Research Question 3: If we know that July 25, 2017, will have an average temperature of 80°, what is its predicted high temperature?

Collecting the Data

The data for this journal activity is the usual weatherData.xlsx data file.

Analyzing the Data

Use the data to answer the three research questions.

Interpreting the Results

Interpret your analysis. Include appropriate graphics.

Make sure that you defend your choices in your analysis. Be explicit about what statistical procedures you ran and why you ran those procedures. Your reader should not have to guess.

Note that all three research questions require you to calculate a point estimate and a confidence interval. Again, specify which part you used and why you used that part. Again, the importance here is defending your choices.

Do the above before looking at the solutions. Jumping straight to the solutions provides almost no help for you. The benefit from practice is actually doing the practice. Do not cheat yourself.